Volunteer Opportunity

The Haba Law Firm is a Florida based law firm that takes cases nationwide with experienced and exceptional attorneys practicing in the areas of sexual abuse and human trafficking lawsuits, family law, foreclosure, criminal defense, and civil litigation.

There are very few firms that are devoted to working with survivors of human trafficking and sexual abuse. As a result, we have developed experience and familiarity with this unique area of law. Amongst our attorneys is a former award-winning sex crimes and human trafficking prosecutor, which enables us to bridge the gap between working both the civil and sometimes criminal side of these cases. All of our attorneys are trauma-informed and victim-centered in their pursuit of justice. The Haba Law Firm can be trusted to help manage sensitive, confidential, and high-stress situations, and aggressively seek justice for what you deserve. We turn survivors into warriors!

We invite you to learn more about our firm, and the attorneys who have dedicated their careers to advocating for victims. Please contact us to schedule a consultation. We are ready to be your ally and your most trusted advocate!